Sunday, February 15, 2009


There has been a darkness in this heartache I have been muddling through that I have not yet spoken of.  In the first few days and weeks, I was so in shock that my heart and mind would only let a tiny bit in at a time.  Then, since the shock has worn off, there are moments when the pain hits full force.  At these times, I cannot sleep, I cannot pray.  I don't think much about the hospital or Webb during these times, but I feel hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed and alone.  That is the feeling I have been living with for the past 2 weeks.  Today is the first day I have even felt close to being ok.  However, that dark, deep place is not far away and I fear it will resurface at any moment.  Mornings are the worst.  I arise from whatever slumber I finally forced myself into, and I am seized with fear, panic and overwhelming sadness.  I know I have not been repressing my feelings about Webb, so it is not as though I am finally dealing with things.  I finally realized this loss produced a hurt that is too much, too significant to get better yet.  It is much like an amputation of limb, I would imagine.  The pain eventually subsides, but you have to get used to living in a completely different manner.  God, who is still speaking in His still, small voice, is not far from me during this despair.  I have had little else to say to him, other than, "Please, help me," but His presence is there, which is a great comfort.  Grief, I have learned, is a complex process with hills and valleys that are indescribable.  As I have said before, the closeness to God is amazing.  The reaffirmation of His existence is life-changing.  Then, on the other side, the pain is indescribable.  Actual heartache.  I never knew such a pain existed.  I recently thought about where we would be in a year from now.  Will we still be in despair?  Will be be smiling more than crying?  I hope so.           


  1. Sometimes all we can do is drag ourselves in a miserable heap and lay at the foot of the cross saying "I've got nothing to offer, nothing to ask, nothing to say. I'm just here because I know this is the safest place in the world to be. I can't sing praises or even mumble a prayer. All I can do is lay here until you pick me up and fill my heart with joy again." I can't imagine a more vulnerable and humble place to be. Just cling to the cross. I'm praying for you.

  2. Ashley, I know that it is difficult to put into words the indescribable pain you are experiencing. Hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed, and alone are signs, I believe, of deep depression. And it is no wonder that you have these feelings for you are in deep grief and with it comes depression and feelings of hopelessness. But remember that these are only feelings and not a reality. You are not alone and you are not hopeless. The comment above made by Rhett, Megan and etc. is beautifully expressed. Yes, cling to the cross and there you find all your deepest needs met. Jesus is there even when you don't feel it. Just know that many prayers are been lifted up on your behalf. Someday, you will smile and laugh will come so do not despair. You are loved.

  3. Dear Ashley, my heart aches for you and your sweet family. You have such a beautiful heart and the Lord will sustain you. I am and will continue to pray for you and your family.

  4. ashley,
    my name is dave dravecky. i met your parents in san diego a few weeks ago when the padres honored your dad. you have very special parents! they shared with me your story and that is how you find me here at your blog. first i want to thank you for your honesty and transparency. it is so raw yet so refreshing. thank you! i can't begin to understand your pain but i know it's real. you see, i lost my left arm to cancer and along with that my career as a pitcher for the sf giants, but it pales in comparison to your loss. and i know how much it hurt me to lose what i loved so much. but through it all God has provided His strength for each day as i know He will and already has for you and your family. just remember when those days come when don't feel you have the strength to hold on its ok to let go because when you do you'll fall in the arms of God and theirs no better place to land than in His arms!!! we'll pray for you and your family. our website is

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am so sorry for you and your family. I will most definitely pray for you guys :)
